torsdag 26 juli 2012

Böna och be II

Jag tjusas av spännvidden mellan lågt och lågmält till fullt ös och sfärisk rymd i Anna von Hausswolffs musik. Spännvidden mellan hopp och förtvivlan. Här i Above all från albumet Singing from the grave.

Above all, it remains it remains.
Vulnerable, it remains it remains.
And they say that all has changed,
and from that nothing remains.
Once in a while they hang by their lives
But, when the end comes near, cameras on,
will love disappear?
And they say nothing has changed,
and from that nothing remains.
But as I saw her this night,
her eyes were glooming to find, love and conditions
on dark unfriendly ground.

'Cause she's heading for the rooftops.
She is running and she can't stop
She is heading for the rooftops
She is running and she can't stop.

"Sit by my bed. Don't be scared!" Grandma said.
"Read for me, Anna Oh be my bread".
And she whispered: "Oh my dear. Death should not be a fear.
So save me this night.
Why won't you save me, from this time?
Why won't you save me, from falling down?
Falling down
Falling down
Falling down."

'Cause she's heading for the rooftops. She is running and she can't stop.
She is heading for the rooftops.
She is running
She is running
She is running
So save her this night.
Why won't you save her from this time?
Why won't you save her from falling down?

2 kommentarer:

  1. Jag har aldrig hört talas om denna Anna förut. Väldigt fin. Jag ser att du har tipsat om flera fina kvinnliga sångerskor som jag gillar. Tycker du om Antony and the Johnsons? Någon tipsade mig om en Antonylåt där han sjunger Cohens If it be your will. Den finns på youtube. Bra att du lägger ut låttexterna

  2. Tack! Jo, jag har lyssnat lite på Antony och hans fantastiska röst, som verkligen griper tag. Texterna hans/deras har jag däremot ingen insikt i, men det är kanske dags nu...
